We include an endpoint to allow you to retrieve a CCDA v2.1 representation of the data in a patient's chart.

Section Types

Section NameData Source
allergiesThe allergies and drug intolerances section in the clinical profile.
assessmentsThe assessment section of the latest signed visit note with the care plan section filled out.
plan_of_treatmentThe care plan section of the latest signed visit note with the care plan section filled out and any future imaging/lab/cardiac orders relative to the visit note.
goalsThe sub-items of each care plan item in the latest signed visit note with the care plan section filled out.
health_concernsThe subjective section of the latest signed visit note with the care plan section filled out.
demographicsThe patient's demographics.
encountersAll visit note bill diagnoses for the patient.
functional_statusesThe functional section of the patient's history in the clinical profile.
cognitive_statusesThe cognitive section of the patient's history in the clinical profile.
immunizationsThe immunization section in the clinical profile.
medicationsThe medications section in the clinical profile.
resultsThe structured lab results found in Lab Reports.
problemsThe problems section in the clinical profile.
proceduresThe bill CPT codes for all signed visit notes.
social_historyThe smoking status of the patient's history in the clinical profile.
vitalsThe vitals from all signed visit notes and non-visit notes.
reason_for_referralThe first referral after the latest signed visit note.

For start_date and end_date filtering, the sections affected by this are assessments, goals, plan_of_treatment, health_concerns, encounters, results, procedures, vitals, and reason_for_referral.
For reason_for_referral, we are going to grab the first referral after the last visit that matches the date filters. The reasoning is because we still want the possibility of including the referral even if it barely misses the cutoff point for the date range.

Template Types

Template NameInformation Displayed
generateCCDReason for referral, allergies, medications, problems, procedures, results, encounters, immunizations, payers, assessments, plan of care, goals, healthcare concerns, social history, vital signs, functional status, cognitive status and implantable devices.
generateReferralNoteReason for referral, allergies, medications, problems, procedures, results, encounters, immunizations, payers, assessments, plan of care, goals, healthcare concerns, social history, vital signs, functional status, cognitive status and implantable devices.
generateProgressNoteAssessments, plan of care, review of systems, chief complaints, objectives, subjectives, medical optionals, vital sign optionals, problem optionals, physical exams and allergies.
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