Visit Note is the heart of Elation EMR. Each visit note contains a list of bullet
and each bullet
belongs to a category and has free-text value.
Object Definition
"id": 99024920, // long(64)
"bullets": [ // list of "bullets"
"category": "Problem", // see below
"text": "Dizziness", // string(500)
"version": 1,
"sequence": 0,
"author": 10,
"updated_date": "2022-05-20T04:06:13",
"replaced_by_edit": null,
"replaced_by": null,
"edit": null,
"deleted_date": null,
"note_document": null,
"note_item": null,
"handout": null,
"children": [ // Not visible in the Find Visit Notes endpoint
"category": "Problem",
"text": "happens often",
"version": 1,
"sequence": 0,
"author": 10,
"updated_date": "2022-05-20T04:06:13",
"replaced_by_edit": null,
"replaced_by": null,
"edit": null,
"deleted_date": null,
"note_item": {
"id": 338362508,
"item": {
"id": 240582699,
"created_date": "2013-04-09T18:41:23Z",
"deleted_date": null,
"patient": 234160129,
"type": "PatientProblem",
"is_confidential": false,
"itemType": "PatientProblem"
"note_document": {
"id": 99483787,
"document": {
"authoring_practice": 65540,
"chart_date": "2010-06-10T17:57:35Z",
"created_date": "2010-06-10T17:57:35Z",
"deleted_date": null,
"document_date": "2010-06-10T17:57:35Z",
"document_type": 33,
"id": 2687009,
"last_modified": null,
"patient": 1638401,
"sign_date": "2010-06-10T17:57:35Z",
"signed_by": 4
"summary": null
"handout": 140758529736869
"checklists": { // ROS and/or PE
"PE": [ // Physical Exam
"name": "General",
"value": "well nourished",
"sequence": 0
"name": "Neck",
"value": "supple",
"sequence": 1
"ROS": [ // Review of Systems
"name": "General",
"value": "Denies fever",
"sequence": 0
"name": "Eyes",
"value": "Denies visual abnormalities",
"sequence": 1
"edits": [
"visit_note": 140755736526872,
"create_user": 1273,
"created_date": "2021-07-21T08:14:40Z",
"previous_note_type": null,
"previous_note_time": null,
"new_note_type": null,
"new_note_time": null,
"previous_prev_weight": null,
"new_prev_weight": null,
"previous_prev_bmi": null,
"new_prev_bmi": null,
"previous_prev_time": null,
"new_prev_time": null,
"previous_bmi": null,
"new_bmi": null
"signatures": [
"user": 12,
"user_name": "Douglas Ross, MD",
"signed_date": "2022-10-31T12:30:00Z",
"role": "cosigner",
"comments": null
"type": "Office Visit Note", // string(50). This list is managed in the practice"s setting page
"template": "SOAP", // see below
"amendment_request": null,
"patient": 1638401,
"physician": 131074,
"practice": 34323,
"document_date": "2010-06-10T11:05:08Z",
"chart_date": "2010-06-10T11:05:08Z",
"clinical_summary_link": "http://localhost/api/2.0/visit_notes/140758496444440/clinical_summary",
"visit_summary_link": "http://localhost/api/2.0/visit_notes/140758496444440/clinical_summary",
"signed_date": "2010-06-10T11:05:08Z",
"signed_by": 131074,
"created_date": "2010-06-10T11:05:08Z",
"last_modified": "2022-05-20T11:06:12.507775Z",
"deleted_date": null,
"tags": [],
"confidential": false
Allowed Values
Attribute | Allowed Values |
bullets[].category | "Problem", "Past", "Family", "Social", "Instr", "PE", "ROS", "Med", "Data", "Assessment", "Test", "Tx", "Narrative", "Followup", "Reason", "Plan", "Objective", "Hpi", "Allergies", "Habits", "Assessplan", "Consultant", "Attending", "Dateprocedure", "Surgical", "Orders", "Referenced", "Procedure" |
template | "Simple", "SOAP", "Complete H&P (1 col)", "Complete H&P (2 col)", "Complete H&P (2 col A/P)", "Pre-Op" |
Notes on visit note bullets
Parent bullets can have child bullets depending on the category and visit note template. If the bullet does support child bullets, the child bullet, itself, cannot have its own child bullets. Every visit note template supports varies on what bullet categories are supported, whether multiple bullets of that category are allowed, and whether that bullet category can support child bullets. The details for each template are listed below.
"Simple" template bullet format
Supported bullet category | Supports multiple parent bullets of the same category | Supports child bullets |
Followup | No | No |
Instr | Yes | Yes |
Narrative | No | No |
Orders | Yes | No |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Reason | No | No |
Referenced | Yes | No |
"SOAP" template bullet format
Supported bullet category | Supports multiple parent bullets of the same category | Supports child bullets |
Assessment | No | No |
Followup | No | No |
Instr | Yes | Yes |
Objective | No | No |
Orders | Yes | No |
PE | Yes | No |
Plan | No | No |
Problem | No | No |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Reason | No | No |
Referenced | Yes | No |
ROS | Yes | No |
"Complete H&P (1 col)" bullet format
Supported bullet category | Supports multiple parent bullets of the same category | Supports child bullets |
Allergies | Yes | Yes |
Assessplan | Yes | Yes |
Data | Yes | No |
Family | No | No |
Followup | No | No |
Habits | No | No |
Hpi | No | No |
Instr | Yes | Yes |
Med | Yes | Yes |
Orders | Yes | No |
Past | Yes | Yes |
PE | Yes | No |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Reason | No | No |
Referenced | Yes | No |
ROS | Yes | No |
Social | No | No |
Surgical | Yes | Yes |
"Complete H&P (2 col)" bullet format
Supported bullet category | Supports multiple parent bullets of the same category | Supports child bullets |
Allergies | Yes | No |
Assessment | Yes | Yes |
Data | Yes | No |
Family | Yes | No |
Followup | No | No |
Habits | Yes | No |
Instr | Yes | Yes |
Med | Yes | No |
Past | Yes | No |
PE | Yes | No |
Problem | Yes | Yes |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Reason | No | No |
ROS | Yes | No |
Social | Yes | No |
Surgical | Yes | No |
Test | Yes | No |
Tx | Yes | No |
"Complete H&P (2 col A/P)" bullet format
Supported bullet category | Supports multiple parent bullets of the same category | Supports child bullets |
Allergies | Yes | No |
Assessplan | Yes | Yes |
Data | Yes | No |
Family | Yes | No |
Followup | No | No |
Habits | Yes | No |
Instr | Yes | Yes |
Med | Yes | No |
Orders | Yes | No |
Past | Yes | No |
PE | Yes | No |
Problem | Yes | Yes |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Reason | No | No |
ROS | Yes | No |
Social | Yes | No |
Surgical | Yes | No |
"Pre-Op" bullet format
Supported bullet category | Supports multiple parent bullets of the same category | Supports child bullets |
Allergies | Yes | Yes |
Assessplan | Yes | Yes |
Attending | No | No |
Consultant | No | No |
Data | Yes | No |
Dateprocedure | No | No |
Family | No | No |
Followup | No | No |
Habits | No | No |
Hpi | No | No |
Instr | Yes | Yes |
Med | Yes | Yes |
Orders | Yes | No |
Past | Yes | Yes |
PE | Yes | No |
Procedure | Yes | No |
Reason | No | No |
Referenced | Yes | No |
ROS | Yes | No |
Social | No | No |
Surgical | Yes | Yes |