The Office Staff Object

	"id": 2859938089533,
  	"created_date": "2020-11-11T16:16:28Z",
  	"dob": null,
   	"email": null,
   	"first_name": "Charles",
   	"id": 28383234,
   	"last_name": "Orange",
   	"middle_name": "",
   	"phone": null,
   	"practice": 2593872345435,
   	"prefix": "",
   	"sex": "Unknown",
   	"suffix": ""
idintThe id of the staff object
dobstrNot usually available for staff.
emailstrThe email of the office staff
first_namestrThe first name of the office staff
last_namestrThe last name of the office staff
middle_namestrNot usually available for staff.
phonestrNot usually available for staff.
practiceintThe id of the practice
prefixstrNot usually available for staff.
suffixstrNot usually available for staff.
sexstrNot usually available for staff.
created_datedatetimeWhen staff was added to the system.