The Injection Object

Documents an injection administered to a patient.

Documents an injection administered to a patient. It may be an injection given by the practice and documented immediately (is_new=true), or a "historical" injection, given to the patient elsewhere, that the practice documented after the fact (is_new=false).

    "id": 140781728825832,
    "practice": 65540,
    "patient": 64058687489,
    "is_new": true,  // true if the practice gave this injection, false if they only documented it
    "reference_medication_id": 787838664751,  // Required
    "packaged_medication_id": 23903141936,    // Nullable
    "ndc": "10432-0146-03",                   // Required
    "lot_number": "12345",
    "expiration_date": "2024-10-31",
    "dose": "20.000000000",
    "dose_unit": "mL",
    "dose_in_series": 2,  // Number of this injection if it's one in a series
    "manufacturer": "manufacturer name",
    "method": "Intravenous",
    "site": "Left Arm",
    "contraindication": "reason for overriding any contraindications",
    "reason": "reason for the injection",
    "is_permanent": true,
    "ordered_by": {
        "type": "PhysicianUser",
        "name": "Michaela Quinn, MD",
        "user_id": 4
    "given_by": {
        "type": "ExternalUser",
        "name": "External J. User",
        "user_id": null
    "given_date": "2024-10-29T19:28:37Z",
    "notes": "miscellaneous notes",
    "service_location_id": 24503845111,
    "is_confidential": false,
    "procedures": [  // Procedure and diagnosis codes for the injection
            "code": "96372",
            "modifier_1": "",
            "modifier_2": "",
            "modifier_3": "",
            "modifier_4": "",
            "dxs": [
                    "code": "D50.0",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "D50.1",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "R57.0",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "R57.1",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
            "code": "99214",
            "modifier_1": "",
            "modifier_2": "",
            "modifier_3": "",
            "modifier_4": "",
            "dxs": [
                    "code": "K70.0",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "K70.1",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "R57.0",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "R57.1",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
            "code": "99396",
            "modifier_1": "",
            "modifier_2": "",
            "modifier_3": "",
            "modifier_4": "",
            "dxs": [
                    "code": "R57.0",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
                    "code": "R57.1",
                    "system": "ICD10CM"
    "created_date": "2025-01-22T20:15:35Z",
    "deleted_date": null

practice identifies the practice that documented the injection.

patient identifies the patient that was given the injection.

reference_medication_id identifies the reference medication administered in the injection.

packaged_medication_id identifies the packaged medication, i.e. the specific packaging of the reference medication, administered in the injection. This is null if the injection package's NDC wasn't found in Elation's standard formulary when the injection was documented.

ndc is the NDC of the injection package. This is the ndc of the associated packaged medication if the injection package's NDC was found in Elation's standard formulary when the injection was documented. Otherwise, packaged_medication_id is null and ndc is the value entered by the user who documented the injection.

service_location_id identifies the service location where the injection was given.

Allowed Values

AttributeAllowed Values
dose_unit"dL", "g", "kg", "kL", "L", "mCi", "mg", "mL", "ug", "uL", "tab"
method"Intravenous", "Intramuscular", "Subcutaneous", "Intradermal", "Other"
site"Abdomen", "R Anterolateral Thigh", "L Anterolateral Thigh", "R Posterior Upper Arm", "L Posterior Upper Arm", "R Upper Arm", "L Upper Arm", "R Deltoid", "L Deltoid", "R Gluteus Maximus", "L Gluteus Maximus", "R Gluteus Medius", "L Gluteus Medius", "R Thigh", "L Thigh", "Back", "R Forearm", "L Forearm", "R Antecubital Fossa", "L Antecubital Fossa", "R Hand", "L Hand", "Other"
ordered_by.type"PhysicianUser", "ExternalUser"
given_by.type"PhysicianUser", "StaffUser", "ExternalUser"