The Family History Object

Object Definition

  "id": 67178004806,                     // long(64)
  "relationship": "Mother",              // see below
  "text": "",                            // string(500)
  "icd9_code": null,                     // string(50)
  "snomed_code": "49436004",
  "patient": 64058687489,
  "created_date": "2016-10-13T15:00:38Z",
  "deleted_date": null

Allowed Values

AttributeTypeAllowed ValuesDescription
idintThe id of the family history
relationshipstring"Mother", "Father", "Brother", "Sister", "Son", "Daughter", "Grandmother", "Grandfather", "Aunt", "Uncle", "Other"The relationship of the family member of the family history
textstringThe value (or text) of the family history
icd9_codestringThe icd9 code of the family history
snomed_codestringThe snomed code of the family history
patientintThe id of the patient
created_datedatetimeThe date the family history was created
deleted_datedatetimeThe date the family history was deleted