"id": 70850314606, // read-only
"practice": 65540, // required
"carrier": "Medicare", // string(200). required
"address": "550 15th St.", // string(200). optional
"suite": "Suite #21", // string(35). nullable. optional
"city": "San Francisco", // string(50). optional
"state": "CA", // string(2). optional
"zip": "94103", // string(10). optional
"phone": "(415) 231-5164", // string(20). nullable. optional
"extension": null, // string(6). nullable. optional
"created_date": "2016-05-23T17:50:50Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"deleted_date": null, // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"patients": [123, 345], // read-only. only available when a single insurance company object is requested.
"plans": [123, 345], // read-only. only available when a single insurance company object is requested.
"payer_id": "4307", // string(200). nullable. optional. The Payer ID of the insurance carrier.
"external_vendor_id": "UNI30", // string(200). optional. nullable. The ID used by a vendor to represent the carrier in their system.
"is_credentialed": True, // bool. optional. nullable. Whether or not the practice has credentials to submit claims to the carrier.
"aliases": "BC, Blue C, BCross", // string(300). optional. nullable. A string used to create alternate terms that will come up in search results (for example "BC" for Blue Cross).
"insurance_type": "commercial" // enum. optional. nullable. An enumerator representing the type of insurance the carrier offers.