The Patient Object represents basic demographics data about a patient
Object Definition
"id": 64184451073, // long(64) read-only
"first_name": "Paula", // string(70) required for POST and PUT
"middle_name": "P", // string(50)
"last_name": "Patient", // string(70) required for POST and PUT
"actual_name": "Paul Patient", // string(150) optional for POST or PUT
"gender_identity": "woman", // ["unknown", "man", "woman", "transgender_man", "transgender_woman", "nonbinary", "option_not_listed", "prefer_not_to_say", "two_spirit"] optional for POST or PUT
"legal_gender_marker": "F", // ["M", "F", "X", "U"] optional for POST or PUT
"pronouns": "he_him_his", // ["he_him_his", "she_her_hers", "they_them_theirs", "not_listed"] optional for POST and PUT
"sex": "Female", // ["Male", "Female", "Other", "Unknown"] required for POST and PUT
"sexual_orientation": "queer", // ["unknown", "straight", "gay", "bisexual", "option_not_listed", "prefer_not_to_say", "lesbian", "queer", "asexual"] optional for POST or PUT
"primary_physician": 131074, // required for POST and PUT, see below
"caregiver_practice": 65540, // read-only. required for POST and PUT
"dob": "1940-08-29", // date(YYYY-MM-DD) required for POST and PUT
"ssn": "123456789", // integer(9 digits)
"race": "Asian", // see below
"preferred_language": "English", // see below
"ethnicity": "Not Hispanic or Latino", // see below
"notes": "This is test Notes", // string(500)
"sms_opt_in_status": false, // boolean read-only
"vip": false, // feature must be enabled for practice
"address": {
"address_line1": "550 15th Street", // string(200)
"address_line2": "21", // string(35)
"city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
"state": "CA", // string(2)
"zip": "94103" // integer(9 digits)
"phones": [ // list of objects. max 2 phones
"phone": "4155555555", // string(20)
"phone_type": "Home", // see below
"created_date": "2016-10-10T23:31:49", // datetime(iso8601) read-only
"deleted_date": null // datetime(iso8601) read-only
"emails": [ // list of objects. only 1 email with empty deleted_date
"email": "", // string(75)
"created_date": "2016-10-10T23:31:49", // datetime(iso8601) read-only
"deleted_date": null // datetime(iso8601) read-only
"guarantor": {
"id": 123456789,
"address": "101 Lane Street",
"city": "Madison",
"state": "WI",
"zip": "53711",
"phone": "1231231233",
"email": "",
"relationship": "Other", // {"Spouse", "Child", "Other"}
"first_name": "Other",
"last_name": "Test",
"middle_name": null
"insurances": [ // list of objects. max 2 insurances
"id": 140767609356371,
"insurance_company": 70970048878, // from Insurance Company resource
"insurance_plan": 70971687279, // from Insurance Plan resource
"rank": "primary", // ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary"]
"carrier": "Blue Cross", // string(200)
"member_id": "test_member_id", // string(50)
"group_id": "test_group_id", // string(50)
"plan": "Blue Cross Blue Shield", // string(200)
"phone": "", // string(20)
"extension": "", // string(6)
"address": "123 medicare st", // string(200)
"suite": null, // string(35)
"city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
"state": "CA", // string(2)
"zip": "94104", // integer(9 digits)
"copay": null, // decimal
"deductible": null, // decimal
"payment_program": "Commercial - Other", // ["Medicare Part B", "Medicare Advantage", "Medicaid", "Commercial - HMSA", "Commercial - SFHP", "Commercial - Other", "Worker's Compensation"]
"insured_person_first_name": "Paula", // string(200)
"insured_person_last_name": "Patient", // string(200)
"insured_person_address": "550 15th St",// string(200)
"insured_person_city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
"insured_person_state": "CA", // string(2)
"insured_person_zip": "94013", // integer(9 digits)
"insured_person_id": "12345", // string(50)
"insured_person_dob": "08/29/1940", // string(50)
"insured_person_gender": "F", // ["M", "F", "N"]
"insured_person_ssn": "123456789", // integer(9 digits)
"relationship_to_insured": null, // string(20)
"created_date": "2020-05-12T22:52:25Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"deleted_date": null, // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"start_date": null, // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
"end_date": null, // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
"deleted_insurances": [ // list of objects, max 5 deleted insurances
"id": 140745403531347,
"insurance_company": 140744693383534, // from Insurance Company resource
"insurance_plan": 140745403466095, // from Insurance Plan resource
"rank": "secondary", // ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary"]
"carrier": "PBMX", // string(200)
"member_id": "test_member_id", // string(50)
"group_id": "test_group_id", // string(50)
"plan": "PBMX Test Plan", // string(200)
"phone": "", // string(20)
"extension": "", // string(6)
"address": "", // string(200)
"suite": null, // string(35)
"city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
"state": "CA", // string(2)
"zip": "94107", // integer(9 digits)
"copay": null, // decimal
"deductible": null, // decimal
"payment_program": "Commercial - Other", // ["Medicare Part B", "Medicare Advantage", "Medicaid", "Commercial - HMSA", "Commercial - SFHP", "Commercial - Other", "Worker's Compensation"]
"insured_person_first_name": "Paula", // string(200)
"insured_person_last_name": "Patient", // string(200)
"insured_person_address": "550 15th St",// string(200)
"insured_person_city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
"insured_person_state": "CA", // string(2)
"insured_person_zip": "94013", // integer(9 digits)
"insured_person_id": "12345", // string(50)
"insured_person_dob": "08/29/1940", // string(50)
"insured_person_gender": "F", // ["M", "F"]
"insured_person_ssn": "123456789", // integer(9 digits)
"relationship_to_insured": null, // string(20)
"created_date": "2020-05-12T22:52:25Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"deleted_date": "2021-04-28T10:50:22Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"start_date": null, // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
"end_date": null, // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
"tags": [ // list of string(100), max 10 tags
"Test Patient"
"patient_status": {
"deceased_date": "2023-02-23", // date("YYYY-MM-DD")
"inactive_reason": null, // ["other", "patient left on bad terms", "patient left on good terms", "practice ended relationship", "unknown"]
"last_status_change": "2022-08-24T13:03:05", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
"notes": "my notes", // string
"status": "active" // ["active", "deceased", "inactive", "prospect"]
"preference": {
"preferred_pharmacy_1": null, // ncpdpid. See "Pharmacy API"
"preferred_pharmacy_2": null
"emergency_contact": {
"first_name": "John", // string(70)
"last_name": "Doe", // string(70)
"relationship": "Child", // string(30)
"phone": "4151231234", // string(20)
"address_line1": "19 test ave", // string(200)
"address_line2": "#12", // string(35)
"city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
"state": "CA", // string(2)
"zip": "123456789" // string(10)
"primary_care_provider": 131074, // read-only, see below
"primary_care_provider_npi": "1234567893", // string(10), see below
"previous_first_name": null, // DEPRECATED; use previous_name object
"previous_last_name": null, // DEPRECATED; use previous_name object
"previous_name": {
"first_name": "Petunia", // string(70)
"middle_name": "Penny", // string(50)
"last_name": "Smith", // string(70)
"suffix": "" // string(20)
"master_patient": null,
"employer": { // employer field is enterprise use only
"code": "EMP_1",
"name": "Employer Name 1",
"description": "Employer Description 1"
"consents": [ // list of objects, no max, read-only
"consented": True, // boolean
"last_modified_date": "2016-05-02T11:57:41Z", // datetime(iso8601)
"application": "healthix", // string(255)
"metadata": null,
"created_date": "2016-05-02T11:57:41Z", // datetime(iso8601) read-only
"deleted_date": null, // datetime(iso8601) read-only
"merged_into_chart": null // long(64) read-only
Allowed Values
Attribute | Allowed Values |
race | "No race specified", "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "White", "Declined to specify" |
ethnicity | "No ethnicity specified", "Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino", "Declined to specify" |
patient_status.inactive_reason | "other", "left_bad_terms", "left_good_terms", "practice_ended", "unknown" - can only be provided if patient_status.status = inactive |
patient_status.status | "active", "deceased", "inactive", "prospect" |
preferred_language | See Language resources |
phones[].phone_type | "Mobile", "Home", "Main", "Work", "Night", "Fax", "Other" |
emergency_contact.relationship | "Caregiver", "Child", "Friend", "Grandparent", "Guardian", "Parent", "Sibling", "Spouse", "Other" |
Setting Patient Providers
primary_physician represents the physician providing care to the patient within your practice. This is a required field. This value must match the id
of one of the physicians retrieved via the Find Physicians endpoint.
primary_care_provider_npi represents the patient's primary care provider. This person may be in a different practice. This field is not required.
primary_care_provider is a read-only field that provides the internal Elation id of the collaborator record that is created within your practice to represent your practice's connection with the patient's primary care provider.