The Patient Object

The Patient Object represents basic demographics data about a patient

Object Definition

  "id": 64184451073,                          // long(64)  read-only
  "first_name": "Paula",                      // string(70)  required for POST and PUT
  "middle_name": "P",                         // string(50)
  "last_name": "Patient",                     // string(70)  required for POST and PUT
  "actual_name": "Paul Patient",              // string(150) optional for POST or PUT
  "gender_identity": "woman",                 // ["unknown", "man", "woman", "transgender_man", "transgender_woman", "nonbinary", "option_not_listed", "prefer_not_to_say", "two_spirit"] optional for POST or PUT
  "legal_gender_marker": "F",                 // ["M", "F", "X", "U"] optional for POST or PUT
  "pronouns": "he_him_his",                   // ["he_him_his", "she_her_hers", "they_them_theirs", "not_listed"] optional for POST and PUT
  "sex": "Female",                            // ["Male", "Female", "Other", "Unknown"]  required for POST and PUT
  "sexual_orientation": "queer",              // ["unknown", "straight", "gay", "bisexual", "option_not_listed", "prefer_not_to_say", "lesbian", "queer", "asexual"] optional for POST or PUT
  "primary_physician": 131074,                // required for POST and PUT, see below
  "caregiver_practice": 65540,                // read-only. required for POST and PUT
  "dob": "1940-08-29",                        // date(YYYY-MM-DD)  required for POST and PUT
  "ssn": "123456789",                         // integer(9 digits)
  "race": "Asian",                            // see below
  "preferred_language": "English",            // see below
  "ethnicity": "Not Hispanic or Latino",      // see below
  "notes": "This is test Notes",              // string(500)
  "sms_opt_in_status": false,                 // boolean read-only
  "vip": false,								  // feature must be enabled for practice
  "address": {
    "address_line1": "550 15th Street",       // string(200)
    "address_line2": "21",                    // string(35)
    "city": "San Francisco",                  // string(50)
    "state": "CA",                            // string(2)
    "zip": "94103"                            // integer(9 digits)
  "phones": [                                 // list of objects. max 2 phones
      "phone": "4155555555",                  // string(20)
      "phone_type": "Home",                   // see below
      "created_date": "2016-10-10T23:31:49",  // datetime(iso8601)  read-only
      "deleted_date": null                    // datetime(iso8601)  read-only
  "emails": [                                 // list of objects. only 1 email with empty deleted_date
      "email": "[email protected]",  // string(75)
      "created_date": "2016-10-10T23:31:49",  // datetime(iso8601)  read-only
      "deleted_date": null                    // datetime(iso8601)  read-only
  "guarantor": {
    	"id": 123456789,
      "address": "101 Lane Street",
      "city": "Madison",
      "state": "WI",
      "zip": "53711",
      "phone": "1231231233",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "relationship": "Other",								// {"Spouse", "Child", "Other"}
      "first_name": "Other",
      "last_name": "Test",
      "middle_name": null
  "insurances": [                             // list of objects. max 2 insurances
      "id": 140767609356371,
      "insurance_company": 70970048878,       // from Insurance Company resource
      "insurance_plan": 70971687279,          // from Insurance Plan resource
      "rank": "primary",                      // ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary"]
      "carrier": "Blue Cross",                // string(200)
      "member_id": "test_member_id",          // string(50)
      "group_id": "test_group_id",            // string(50)
      "plan": "Blue Cross Blue Shield",       // string(200)
      "phone": "",                            // string(20)
      "extension": "",                        // string(6)
      "address": "123 medicare st",           // string(200)
      "suite": null,                          // string(35)
      "city": "San Francisco",                // string(50)
      "state": "CA",                          // string(2)
      "zip": "94104",                         // integer(9 digits)
      "copay": null,                          // decimal
      "deductible": null,                     // decimal
      "payment_program": "Commercial - Other",	// ["Medicare Part B", "Medicare Advantage", "Medicaid", "Commercial - HMSA", "Commercial - SFHP", "Commercial - Other", "Worker's Compensation"]
      "insured_person_first_name": "Paula",   // string(200)
      "insured_person_last_name": "Patient",  // string(200)
      "insured_person_address": "550 15th St",// string(200)
      "insured_person_city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
      "insured_person_state": "CA",           // string(2)
      "insured_person_zip": "94013",          // integer(9 digits)
      "insured_person_id": "12345",           // string(50)
      "insured_person_dob": "08/29/1940",     // string(50)
      "insured_person_gender": "F",           // ["M", "F", "N"]
      "insured_person_ssn": "123456789",      // integer(9 digits)
      "relationship_to_insured": null,        // string(20)
      "created_date": "2020-05-12T22:52:25Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
      "deleted_date": null,                   // datetime(iso8601). read-only
      "start_date": null,                     // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
      "end_date": null,                       // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
  "deleted_insurances": [                    // list of objects, max 5 deleted insurances
      "id": 140745403531347,
      "insurance_company": 140744693383534,   // from Insurance Company resource
      "insurance_plan": 140745403466095,      // from Insurance Plan resource
      "rank": "secondary",                    // ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary"]
      "carrier": "PBMX",                      // string(200)
      "member_id": "test_member_id",          // string(50)
      "group_id": "test_group_id",            // string(50)
      "plan": "PBMX Test Plan",               // string(200)
      "phone": "",                            // string(20)
      "extension": "",                        // string(6)
      "address": "",                          // string(200)
      "suite": null,                          // string(35)
      "city": "San Francisco",                // string(50)
      "state": "CA",                          // string(2)
      "zip": "94107",                         // integer(9 digits)
      "copay": null,                          // decimal
      "deductible": null,                     // decimal
      "payment_program": "Commercial - Other",	// ["Medicare Part B", "Medicare Advantage", "Medicaid", "Commercial - HMSA", "Commercial - SFHP", "Commercial - Other", "Worker's Compensation"]
      "insured_person_first_name": "Paula",   // string(200)
      "insured_person_last_name": "Patient",  // string(200)
      "insured_person_address": "550 15th St",// string(200)
      "insured_person_city": "San Francisco", // string(50)
      "insured_person_state": "CA",           // string(2)
      "insured_person_zip": "94013",          // integer(9 digits)
      "insured_person_id": "12345",           // string(50)
      "insured_person_dob": "08/29/1940",     // string(50)
      "insured_person_gender": "F",           // ["M", "F"]
      "insured_person_ssn": "123456789",      // integer(9 digits)
      "relationship_to_insured": null,        // string(20)
      "created_date": "2020-05-12T22:52:25Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
      "deleted_date": "2021-04-28T10:50:22Z", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
      "start_date": null,                     // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
      "end_date": null,                       // date(YYYY-MM-DD)
  "tags": [                                   // list of string(100), max 10 tags
    "Test Patient"
  "patient_status": {
   	"deceased_date": "2023-02-23",                   // date("YYYY-MM-DD")
    "inactive_reason": null,                 // ["other", "patient left on bad terms", "patient left on good terms", "practice ended relationship", "unknown"]
    "last_status_change": "2022-08-24T13:03:05", // datetime(iso8601). read-only
    "notes": "my notes",                     // string
    "status": "active"                       // ["active", "deceased", "inactive", "prospect"]
  "preference": {
    "preferred_pharmacy_1": null,             // ncpdpid. See "Pharmacy API"
    "preferred_pharmacy_2": null
  "emergency_contact": {
    "first_name": "John",                     // string(70)
    "last_name": "Doe",                       // string(70)
    "relationship": "Child",                  // string(30)
    "phone": "4151231234",                    // string(20)
    "address_line1": "19 test ave",           // string(200)
    "address_line2": "#12",                   // string(35)
    "city": "San Francisco",                  // string(50)
    "state": "CA",                            // string(2)
    "zip": "123456789"                        // string(10)
  "primary_care_provider": 131074,            // read-only, see below
  "primary_care_provider_npi": "1234567893",  // string(10), see below
  "previous_first_name": null,                // DEPRECATED; use previous_name object
  "previous_last_name": null,                 // DEPRECATED; use previous_name object
  "previous_name": {
    "first_name": "Petunia",                  // string(70)
    "middle_name": "Penny",                   // string(50)
    "last_name": "Smith",                     // string(70)
    "suffix": ""                              // string(20)
  "master_patient": null,
  "employer": {                               // employer field is enterprise use only
    "code": "EMP_1",
    "name": "Employer Name 1",
    "description": "Employer Description 1"
  "consents": [                               // list of objects, no max, read-only
     "consented": True,                            // boolean
     "last_modified_date": "2016-05-02T11:57:41Z", // datetime(iso8601)
     "application": "healthix",                    // string(255)
  "metadata": null,
  "created_date": "2016-05-02T11:57:41Z",     // datetime(iso8601)  read-only
  "deleted_date": null,                       // datetime(iso8601)  read-only
  "merged_into_chart": null                   // long(64)  read-only

Allowed Values

AttributeAllowed Values
race"No race specified", "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "White", "Declined to specify"
ethnicity"No ethnicity specified", "Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino", "Declined to specify"
patient_status.inactive_reason"other", "left_bad_terms", "left_good_terms", "practice_ended", "unknown" - can only be provided if patient_status.status = inactive
patient_status.status"active", "deceased", "inactive", "prospect"
preferred_languageSee Language resources
phones[].phone_type"Mobile", "Home", "Main", "Work", "Night", "Fax", "Other"
emergency_contact.relationship"Caregiver", "Child", "Friend", "Grandparent", "Guardian", "Parent", "Sibling", "Spouse", "Other"

Setting Patient Providers

primary_physician represents the physician providing care to the patient within your practice. This is a required field. This value must match the id of one of the physicians retrieved via the Find Physicians endpoint.

primary_care_provider_npi represents the patient's primary care provider. This person may be in a different practice. This field is not required.

primary_care_provider is a read-only field that provides the internal Elation id of the collaborator record that is created within your practice to represent your practice's connection with the patient's primary care provider.